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why didn't steve downs get custody

My opinion of why Mr. Hugi adopted Christie and Danny was to seal their lips. Anyway, it takes a good scrubbing with soap and water to get rid of gun powder residues and doing so with only one arm would be quite difficult. The gun presented at trial being the wrong one is a fact. The goal is always to keep family ties intact. She is a monster and belongs in prison for the rest of her life. Evidence or not, they were going to do their best to put her away for life. Here's everything you need to know. No excuse there. Her flat affect is even more pronounced now and it did her in at the time, but she was lucid enough to clearly see that Rule and the media used Becky for their personal gain. Thats food for thought. ), Interesting suggestion. (her family confirmed that she had a mood disorder, possibly bipolar 2), So when Dr. George Suckow from the Oregon State Hospital in Salem was called as a States rebuttal witness and he made a professional diagnosis of Diane as histrionics, antisocial and narcissistic, he openly said in court that he interviewed Diane for 1 hour and read evidence presented by the state to make his diagnosis.. That disinformation was alleged by Mr. Hugi the third day into Jim Jaggers defense and it was never objected to by Mr. Jagger . So imagine when you are troubled to begin with. A slightly humorous observation is that you said, and others have, that James Haynes physically resembled the sketch. We make them president!!!! Mr. Jagger read the report and said, you were right. So the hell with no gun, no GSR, no blood and no witnesses except a sick child who denied knowing who shot them until she could not anymore and happened to be adopted by the prosecutor; making it look like she could never change her mind and reveal that she has no memory of the shooting and maybe have the case reversed. That didnt seem right so we wrote a letter to Mr Hugi with a request for visitation rights. Many troubling elements of the case were discovered after the trial, but there was enough during the proceedings to be asking questions. Diane Downs changed her story so many times, even at her parole hearing. I lived in Eugene, Oregon for years. In addition, the children were suffering life-changing physical and mental trauma, which would take years to heal. Who is Steve Downs? The story of Diane Downs' ex-husband Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. You indicated you were not going to get a divorce? It sounds like this was not the case with Dianes children. This is also what the state did to her. Wasnt it speculative on their part? We cant. Most get through it fine, maybe some complications or pain, maybe even some post pardum. I then question how she would not have blood splatter if she shot them inside the car at close range. On May 19, 1983, Elizabeth Diane pulled over her car by the side of the road in Springfield, Oregon and shot her children multiple times with a 22-calibre pistol. Im sure nothing I write will change that. HUGE conflict of interest. CK allowed DD to drive away despite the fact she could identify him and he had a gun? They should have looked for a possible accomplice and checked all the leads. Diane was 18 years old at the time and had run away from home to get married. The fact that she drove there and it saved the life of two of her children should give anyone pause. Lise lasalle you mention THIS When she (Diane) resisted, he shot her kids and struggled with her. The tape is real and probably not admissible, but it seems to indicate that her testimony was coerced: Why is it not admissible? Brewer freely declared that Diane Downs would never have been convicted except that he believed the lie Jim Jagger permitted Fred Hugi to enter into the record. As a result, he decided not to attend the rest of the trial. why didn't steve downs get custody. And after Diane left Arizona she didnt call Knick to inquire about his love, but rather about when he would repay the $500 (Appendix 81, pages 1479-1480). The grandparents were babysitting the children often and had several children who were well adjusted. There was no question in Dianes mind that Knick would take another mistress if she married him, and that hed move on again. That is the reason effective trial counsel challenges the competency of a nine-year-old child to testify in a court of law. It is not a run of the mill case. To this day, his record is mixed; his law license was suspended for 6 months in 2011, and there was also talk of a suspension in 2015. If you read the blog, you will see examples of his lack of dedication. The point is our trials need to be conducted fairly and based on evidence. Charlene would call Diane at all hours of the day and night to threaten violence if Diane continued on with her husband. All the years in prison probably made her way more disturbed than she ever was. What got her convicted was two things the towel and Christie. Moreover, he apparently told her that he did not want children and this statement alone would seal Dianes fate. Bannon, a former adviser . I agree about pregnancy and childbirth affecting women differently, and even having different effects for the same woman with different pregnancies. He may still reside in Arizona, but there is no proof of the same. Nowadays, this insanity would never be tolerated. It does not contradict what I said, but what they said. 5. When a white attractive woman like Diane Downs appears on the scene while displaying seemingly unpleasant characteristics as a mother and a personality disorder, there is no telling what the media will do with the story. Did you read her statements to the parole board in 2008? Is there any update? Being bipolar, she had no impulse control so it should not have surprised anyone. Maybe she wanted to buy drugs. Pros. One should also wonder why their biological father who was so eager to bash his ex on the stand was not given custody, and did not stay in contact with his two remaining children: relevance? If Diane was bipolar, the non-stop chatter would have been inherent to the situation: bipolar wasnt a diagnosable condition at the time of her first trial. Their first child, Christie Ann, was born in 1974. When analysing this blog, look at three statements from the blogger: Diane Downs and Alice Crummins were considered sluts On her way to the hospital,she was followed by someone who said she was going slow, but Diane said she was driving fairly fast. They now throw people in prison in the US for debts. Diane was pregnant during the trial so if found not guilty, how would she have regained the love of her life? For all my life I have thought I was not that smart, but now I can tell myself, hey cheer up could be worse. I will not remove anything. There was no blood on the front seats so Cheryl was laying down and Christie was asleep laying down and never witnessed anything. This is what I try to do when I research a case that was deemed to be a slam dunk. but later you claim Diane was inside the car and shot the kids in the car and that that BECAUSE she was inside the car she should have had blood splatter on herso WHICH IS IT, I dont know which it is Libby. Plus according to an expert at trial, her testimony did not match the blood spatter analysis in the car. The tape of Christie and her adoption by the prosecutor are facts. Mainly because the courts have to give every chance possible and all the services necessary to the bio family to try to preserve the relationship. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. It was writtenrepeatedly in the daily notes that the children were happy to see their mom and asked for her. You say she made more of a fuss about her arm than about the injuries her children sustained. Whether it tugs at your heartstrings or angers you to the core, these stories could have happened years ago, and they still take up space in your memories. But the high profile nature of the case might hinder the process. I am a true crime junkie. Rule sued the Seattle Weekly after they published the article titled , Ann Rule promotes her books as true crime stories so to this day, viewers believe that the book and the movie titled, This reminds me of what a jail counselor named Rachel Roth said at the trial of Debra Milke , They already had made up their mind that Diane was the perpetrator so they laughed off the idea of the , When I hear some people say that they would have liked to smack that smirk off Dianes face when she interacted with the cops or the media, I say. After graduation, Steven joined the Navy and Diane was sent to Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College where she failed miserably at remaining pure and chaste, not unlike most girls of her generation who rejected their strict religious upbringing. I appreciate the way you dont try to determine guilt or innocence in your blogs but instead focus on due process and the right of all to a fair trial. The next day, on June 16, 1983, CSD terminated Dianes visitations with her children altogether. Page 10 of Case History. Unfortunately, he hasn't been as outspoken as people expected, considering the gruesome details of the crime committed by her ex-wife. As a suggestion, I would love to see a like or dislike button for each comment. Either way he could NOT have seen who shot him unless he has eyes in the back of his head. Even if they say that she did not get involved in rehabilitation programs, she did participate, but obviously did not admit to killing her daughter and injuring the others. An earlier commenter wrote that it doesnt matter that the trail or the investigation was faultyWHAT !? Why arent you debating the faulty ballistics, and the fact that the gun they affirmed was used in the commission of the crime was not the right one? Downs, born Elizabeth Diane Frederickson, was a 27-year-old divorced postal worker when she pulled up outside a hospital in Oregon in May 1983. If appropriate family members could not be found to take placement of the children then family friends are the next step. Just saw the video of Dianes parole hearing. You simply are a rude individual looking for a reaction. If you shoot at least 6 inches from a victim, you see what is around you in the car. And to say that her mental health has degraded is an understatement, but more reason not to keep her eternally incarcerated. If, as Proctor said, it was exchanged right away, and the other Ruger was subsequently stolen by Steven, how was it remotely possible for him to have this info? After all, many cases of domestic abuse and even neglect do stem from alcoholism or drug abuse. As a married man, the ball was in his court and he decided togo forit. As far as her innocence goes and the possibility of being paroled if she admitted her crime, Diane strongly maintains her innocence. Blood, cuts, limo driver who saw him come in, the shoe print, the blood in the car and on the socks in his bedroom. Do you remember it would have been around say November 19th of 82 that you would have left Charlene at one time? Now she claims she was dating an FBI agent at the time, was holding some top secret pictures for him, and she was on the road to meet someone to pass them off, at the instruction of her FBI boyfriend. In this article, we can clearly see that Becky struggled and tried to justify her woes (maybe rightly so) by blaming it on her DNA. It is not a plus, but it is not a crime either. He still shouldnt have been allowed to adopt them while the appeals process was ongoing, if he had any role in those cases. Only in Hollywood and in Ann Rules books, would you find such fantasy: Relevance? The court can just do an APR, Assignment of Parental Rights. He should have let someone else handle the case or let someone else adopt the kids. Considering the circumstances, it is difficult not to be a bit cynical about this grand gesture. She is nowhere near being paroled and if she admitted guilt, I am not even convinced they would release her. John Shea who played Fred in the TV movie Small Sacrifices even looks like him. Then, they accused her of shooting her kids at close range. The bitches own daughter identified Downs as the shooter. Thanks Kit, It is a bit of a mystery to me that not more people see that if we removed the high profile name and the accompanying media storm, the case was no slam dunk. A group of ladies formed a group called HELDD which stands for Help Exonerate & Liberate Diane Downs. I watched the paroles hearing in 08, was lucky to find it, it was streamed live at the timemy sister, who is a whiz with computers, found it for me. While that makes her technically eligible for parole at some point (in her case 2009) it does not actually mean she has an end date or a release date. A very reasonable request that was rejected. The guy should have walked away from the case or from adopting them. (witness statement the gentleman who was behind her for at least 10 minutes). Search within r/halo . Diane found with him,the kind of relationship she had never known before: there was actually care and intimacy involved. Their theory was very shaky. They checked her shoes and they were clean. Exactly Libby why did they say during the trial that he saw his mom? Diane was in the hospital for a bone graft from June 2nd until June 6th, 1983. Click to listen to podcast explaining the gun test, Dianes mental condition and the lack of forensic evidence. I dont believe there was a CK. She was also shot twice andifshe had been sitting up, the seats would have been covered with blood spatter as well as the shooter. And if she did it, she has served her time without displaying any violent tendencies whatsoever. And that Ann Rule took advantage of the situation to sell her book. Im not saying I know for a fact in my mind shes innocentbut there is NOT enough evidence for her to be guilty. And she would have been under supervision. Now in hindsight, seeing footage on youtube, especially the interview she did with the reporter Anne Jagger, the things she says and facial expression is exactly described in the bookhad to find the section in the book, but on that note, Anne rule did site that interview correctly. This video has Dianes attorney, Jim Jagger, at 1 minutes and 20 seconds that might have some good shots. I know several people who know or knew both of the surviving children as well as Diane. Why did CK shoot the kids multiple times and DD once? That is not a quick process and is very invasive to a familys privacy. Jen Taylor . He had an attorney, Fred G. Campbell Jr., send us a letter denying our request and telling us: You are legally, as well as factually, a stranger to them. Who does he think he is? According to Rule and the court, the unicorn was a memorial to her children that she purchased after premeditating their murder. Everywhere, EXCEPT the door through which Diane reported to police, the male stranger had passed. Page 37 of Case History. The reason she is likely locked up is because she was diagnosed with narcissistic, histrionic and anti social personality disorder, that makes her a very dangerous person (especially since she is a murderer). I found nothing. From the very beginning, the DAs office had their ducks in a row because in an unprecedented move, Judge Gregory Foote who had denied access to the children by all blood relatives and given their care over to the State, was promoted from juvenile to senior judge to preside over the trial of Diane Downs. Nice to see this blog is still active in 2017, being a lot of groupsmessage boards and such, on subjects like this has no activity for years. I care about what was said at trial. 20/20s coverage of Diane Downs and the actions that led her to be sentenced to life in prison is a good portrayal of what really happened. PAY ATTENTION: Click 'See First' under 'Follow' Tab to see news on your FB Feed, Get the news that matters from one of the leading news sites in Kenya, Kenyans Share Hilarious Memes, Frustrations as KPLC Announces Nationwide Power Blackout, Xtian Dela's Mum Cries Bitterly As She Begs Son to Come Home, Says She's Not Seen Him in 4 Years, Linet Toto's Dowry: 7 Delectable Photos from MP's Negotiation Ceremony, Couple Lose KSh 3.4m on Their Wedding After Guests Don't Show Up: "So Heartbroken", Little Girl Begs Man on the Road for Money, Video Surprises Many, David and Rebecca Muir wedding, relationship, and family, Who is Lil Meech's mom? Offers may be subject to change without notice. They came up with an explanation as to why this was the wrong gun but the jig was up. My opposition to movies about true crime stories is unshakable. She attacked her husband and ripped his neck open in a jealous rage (Appendix 81, page 1520), tearing from his neck the gold chain he still wore from his first marriage (a gift from his first wife). I also wish that Dianes children have a great life. As was his habit, Knick failed to take into consideration what Diane or his wife had to say on the matter. I am all for reviewing facts and getting a decision overturned in cases of corrupt decisions, and many people are on your side and find these cases totally worth their time. Crime is entertainment and big money so this case will continue to be on the forefront and the same assumptions will be repeated over and over again. They are the ones who considered Dianes children as, To this day, his record is mixed; his law license was suspended for, Belli filed a motion for a 2-week extension to familiarize himself with the case because he had to be in Italy, and declared Diane innocent in a press conference, but Foote denied the motion and declared . Apparently drug mafia wanted to punish her for messing her nose in forbidden places, not because she was getting any real business in that but simply because she had one of the poorest judgements a person can have. He has also once again decided to defy . Because she had driven that area for years for her work. And the state refusing to turn them over to the defense? It was half baked escape plans that were more in her head than anything and that the media enjoyed blowing out of proportions. At Sophie Sergie murder trial, jury hears recordings of Steven Downs These are no facts its partial truths and conjecture. Knick never signed the premarital agreement and Diane never married him. Two wrongs do not make a right but illustrates that she should have never been coerced before, during or after the trial. What man has ever publicly revered a former secret mistress? #corrupt. Their goal was to make Dian look crazy, because sane people dont shoot their children. Page 6 of Case History. The story of Steve Downs' children is one of the most shocking to date. I guess he did not want too many people to know about the improprieties that happened in his courtroom. I have no idea whether or not she was guilty of the crime. I dont. 20 Celeb Parents Who've Lost Custody Of Their Children - BabyGaga Much worse. Not exclusively a USA trait, this happens also in many countries, but in a technologically advanced superpower like USA this attitude is more shocking, and maybe also more worldwide spread. Everything matters in a trial and investigation. What about the affidavits of the guy who confessed to several people? I dont care what Diane Downs says at the parole board hearing, except if she is innocent or guilty. Diane had moved to Oregon only 6 weeks before the tragedy to work in the area and have her parents spend time with the kids. Danny has kept a low profile, and not much about his life like family, marriage, and children are in public. Steve Downs had allegedly stolen this gun from a friend named Billy Proctor, but after it was found and the ballistics did not match, Bill suddenly remembered keeping it only for a day before exchanging it for another Ruger automatic at a gun show in Mesa; which now meant that the gun that Diane allegedly used to shoot herself and the children, was still apparently nowhere to be found. It seems like Steve and Diane were meant to be together. And once again, considering that she was diagnosed as bipolar, did not help her cause. Yet in their mind, she was already guilty. I lived through the media coverage. She was fighting back and they did not like it. And how the letters became so bizarre, paranoid and psychotic that she told Diane to stop writing her. I agree in both cases they were high profile cases. TIL On May 19, 1983, Diane Downs shot her three children and drove them at 5-7 mph to the hospital. But Im on track and Im really happy with the way life is.. Problem with that is Diane has said during an interview with detectives that the sketch looks nothing like what she described. TOP 8 why didn't steve downs get custody BEST and NEWEST We dont know. I accept that it is sometimes necessary but I believe in rehabilitation. They had him micromanaged, and with the testimony of little Christie they were in business. The best policy for Diane Downs would have been to remain silent, but she fought back and smiled at the wrong time and according to them, enjoyed the attention. I would also like to express my disbelief that the same judge presided over both the child welfare case and the criminal one. The following article hopes to help you make more suitable choices and get more useful information They were the small sacrifices. So not addressing the content of the blog and rambling about everything else while asking for a disclaimer is nailing it? Wow. He separated from his wife and was going to follow Diane who, by now, had decided to move and work in Oregon to be closer to her parents. They removed them and proceeded to interrogate the poor girl until she gave them what they needed. Even on a worldwide scale, the age of accountability is considered to be twelve years old. In what world is that O.K. Yes, shes as guilty as Simpson. As soon as Diane was found guilty, Hugi demanded that Diane be evaluated by a psychiatrist before sentencing so they could declare her a dangerous offender and give her a stiffer sentence. Nobody had any reason for a conspiracy of this magnitude over a literal nobody. Christie was only eight, had suffered gunshot wounds and was in shock. Id have more influence arguing for better relationships with Mexico at a Donald Trump rally in Mexico. why didn't steve downs get custodylagu sekolah minggu bahasa inggris Opinion Fox News's blackout of Jan. 6 points to a hidden crisis for Democrats The not-so-shocking revelation that Fox News will not carry House committee hearings about the insurrection is yet another sign that right-wing media will go to extraordinary lengths to shield . One of them named Angel, called 15-year-old Christie on the phone. Nobody near to help. Indeed, Diane Down's murder case was a shocker for detectives.

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why didn't steve downs get custody